Airport Community App

The Airport Community App offers employees at Frankfurt Airport a wide range of information in real time. A digital dashboard displays various information from terminal and flight operations (flight schedule data, waiting times at process points, etc.). The news section and much more information is available in a consolidated form and can be accessed at any time on mobile devices, enabling efficient planning of operational processes.  

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write us at

If you don't have the Airport Community App yet:

  1. Download and install the “Airport Community App” on your device.
  2. Enter your first and last names and your business email address. Your job title is optional.
  3. Click on “Continue” to receive a confirmation email with your PIN.  
  4. Enter the PIN in the app.  
  5. Congratulations, you’re good to go!
  6. You can configure your viewing preferences under “My Subscriptions” (using checkmarks).
  7. Configure push notifications so they will be sent when defined threshold values are exceeded (use checkmarks to select).

The main features at a glance


Please register using your business email address.

No, for the time being the app is only available in English.

Please register again every two-and-a-half months.

No, the app is unable to access your phone’s or computer’s contact list.


Yes, but it won’t track your location unless you explicitly give it permission to do so.

No, the app doesn't monitor any IP addresses.

Use of the app is anonymously monitored. Only the first and most recent times you access it are stored under your name.

Please use the Chrome, Firefox or Edge web browser.

The content visualized in the Airport Community App at FRA reflects the initial Airport Operations
Plan (iAOP).

The iAOP is a first step toward achieving a full-fledged AOP in accordance with a shared, jointly agreed rolling plan. It is available to all airport stakeholders who have committed themselves to promoting awareness and creating a sound basis for making decisions on optimizing processes and the use of resources.

The initial and final AOPs are part of the ongoing SESAR (= Single European Sky ATM Research) project of the European Union. They have been mandated for implementation at several European airports in accordance with European Commission Implementing Regulation no. 2021/116, Common Project 1 (CP1). The preparation and launch of the iAOP at FRA is cofounded by the Connecting Europe Facility, a key EU funding instrument for promoting growth, jobs, and competitiveness by means of targeted infrastructure investments.